Jude and Jake Collins are your average young boys. They play enjoy skateboarding, football and biking and are most at home covered in mud. Expect at night they enter, and usually win, beauty pageants.

Jake and Jude celebrating a win.

Jake and Jude celebrating a win

Jude (9) and Jake (5) in the last year have won 20 crowns, four trophies and 65 sashes. Having being giving accolades such as; Mr Personality, Mr Photogenic and even Ultimate World Supreme King.

They’re mum Sara (44) a former child performer and model, says the success of the boys rides on their natural charm.

Although the hobby costs the family £3000 a year just for entry fees and costumes but Sara says “We’re by no means well off, but if this is what the kids want to do we’ll muster through.”

“A lot of parents think it’s a bad thing. It might turn their son gay or whatever. But it being exposed to pageants or drama or dance or anything makes them into a fulfilled, happy adult, that’s fantastic. Whether they’re straight, gay, bisexual, whatever, I couldn’t care less as long as they’re happy.”

Even the dad enjoys seeing his sons on the catwalk, “It makes me really proud”.

“They surprise me with how much confidence they have. I can tell they’re going to be confident for the rest of their lives. If the boys want to do pageants, it’s up to them.”

Happy family

Happy family

There are currently five mainstream pageants in Britain which allow male entrants and only 5-10 males enter each time.

At the moment no male only events exist, however Sara is launching her own next month. “It will be about boys being boys. It will not be a beauty contest, it’s all about their personalities and self-confidence.”

Although she knows there will be a time when the boys don’t want to compete, she’s happy. They’ve raised £1,500 for charity and both Jude and Jake are signed up to talents agencies. Jake has modelled for a children’s magazine and Jude has auditioned for two feature films.

Jude showing off his winners crown

Jude showing off his winners crown

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